Frequently asked questions
How long does it take to get my wedding photos back?
Depending on the wedding season (peak/off-peak) The photos should take anywhere between 5-10 weeks
Is there a limit to the amount of photos we receive?
Simply no. In saying this I don’t believe more is necessarily better. I will keep snapping away and the best photos taken are all yours!
Do I share your photos on social media?
Sometimes I share them on my business page and social media. As you can understand I run a business. So it is important for my clients and followers to stay up to date with my recent work. If you however have any problem with this let me know in advance to avoid any issues.
Who essentially owns our wedding photos?
I retain full copyright of all the images I take on your wedding day. In saying this, there are no watermarks on my images, so you are free to print and share them.
Do we meet before your wedding day?
I always like to meet the couples before there big day. Of course in some situations meeting up prior to your wedding may not be a possibility, that is why I will put on the kettle and settle in for a skype date! I love getting to know my couples before their big day good.
Do you hold dates?
I work on a first in, first served basis. If you make contact with me and another couple enquire for the same date, I will try and let you know but sometimes in busy periods I may struggle. The date is open to whoever pays the deposit first.
Do we lose our deposit if our wedding is cancelled?
As I may of lost business for your booked date, Unfortunately this will result in the loss of your deposit. If you want to change your date of your wedding, I will happily move your date, If I have the date free.
Do you need to feed me on your wedding day?
Yes please! If I am shooting longer than 5 hours, I would really love a plate of food.
When do we pay the final balance?
The balance needs to be paid at least 1 week before your wedding day.